Growing Green: Delhi Govt. Chhawla School’s Miyawaki Forest Initiative

In the heart of the bustling cityscape, where the hustle and bustle often drown out the whispers of nature, Delhi Govt. Chhawla School emerges as a beacon of hope in the fight against air pollution. With a visionary approach and unwavering dedication, Chhawla School is embarking on a transformative journey by establishing a Miyawaki ForestContinue reading “Growing Green: Delhi Govt. Chhawla School’s Miyawaki Forest Initiative”

“Green Initiative Milestone: Miyawaki Pocket Forest Takes Root in Kangaheri Village with Billion Tree Foundation and Brenntag Partnership”

In a remarkable stride towards environmental conservation and sustainable development, Kangaheri Village under the guidance of Rise Foundation team, witnessed the establishment of a 22nd Miyawaki Pocket Forest on January 5, 2024. This significant initiative is the result of a collaborative effort between the Billion Tree Foundation and Brenntag, marking a promising start to theContinue reading ““Green Initiative Milestone: Miyawaki Pocket Forest Takes Root in Kangaheri Village with Billion Tree Foundation and Brenntag Partnership””