Rise Foundation’s Miyawaki Urban Forest in Faridabad: A Green Initiative for Social Upliftment and Environmental Sustainability

In a landmark initiative aimed at enhancing social upliftment and addressing pressing environmental concerns, Rise Foundation, in collaboration with the Impact Guru Foundation, has established a Miyawaki Urban Forest in Faridabad. This ambitious project involves the planting of 10,000 trees, with 60% of them being fruit-bearing species. This effort is a testament to the power of community-driven action in mitigating air pollution, combating climate change, and fostering social welfare.

The Urban Forest: A Vision for Faridabad

Faridabad, like many urban centers, faces significant environmental challenges, including air pollution and the urban heat island effect. The establishment of this urban forest marks a critical step towards creating a healthier and more sustainable cityscape.

Key Features of the Urban Forest:

  • 10,000 Trees Planted: The scale of the project is impressive, with a diverse range of species contributing to a robust and resilient urban forest.
  • 60% Fruit-Bearing Trees: A significant portion of the trees are fruit-bearing, providing multiple benefits, from enhancing biodiversity to offering fresh produce for local communities.

Environmental Benefits

The urban forest initiative by Rise Foundation brings substantial environmental benefits, crucial for the well-being of Faridabad’s residents and the planet.

Mitigating Air Pollution

Faridabad suffers from high levels of air pollution, which poses severe health risks. Trees play a vital role in improving air quality by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. The urban forest will act as a green lung for the city, helping to reduce particulate matter and other harmful pollutants.

Combating Climate Change

Forests are essential in the fight against climate change. They sequester carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas, thereby reducing the overall carbon footprint. The Faridabad Urban Forest will contribute significantly to carbon sequestration, helping to mitigate the impacts of global warming.

Enhancing Biodiversity

By planting a variety of species, including a high percentage of fruit-bearing trees, the forest will support local wildlife and enhance biodiversity. This diversity creates a balanced ecosystem that is more resilient to environmental stresses and provides habitat for various species of birds, insects, and small mammals.

Social Upliftment

Beyond environmental benefits, the urban forest initiative is a powerful tool for social upliftment in Faridabad.

Community Involvement

The project has actively involved local communities, from planning to planting. This participation fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility towards the environment, empowering residents to take charge of their local green spaces.

Nutritional Benefits

The fruit-bearing trees will provide fresh produce, which can be harvested by the local community. This not only improves nutritional intake but also supports food security for those in need.

Educational Opportunities

The urban forest serves as an educational resource, where local schools and community groups can learn about ecology, sustainability, and the importance of environmental stewardship. Engaging children and adults alike in these topics promotes lifelong learning and awareness.

Economic Opportunities

The project creates jobs and economic opportunities, from the initial planting phase to ongoing maintenance and harvesting of fruits. This can help uplift economically disadvantaged communities by providing stable employment and income.

Partnership with Impact Guru Foundation

The collaboration between Rise Foundation and Impact Guru Foundation underscores the power of partnerships in driving meaningful change. Impact Guru Foundation’s support has been instrumental in mobilizing resources and raising awareness about the project’s significance.


The Miyawaki Urban Forest in Faridabad is more than just a green initiative; it is a holistic approach to environmental sustainability and social upliftment. Rise Foundation’s dedication to planting 10,000 trees, with a focus on fruit-bearing species, highlights a commitment to improving air quality, combating climate change, and supporting local communities.

As this urban forest grows, it will stand as a testament to what can be achieved through collaborative efforts and community engagement. It serves as a model for other cities grappling with similar challenges, demonstrating that sustainable development and social welfare can go hand in hand.

Rise Foundation has completed more than 30 tiny, small ,medium and large Miyawaki Afforestation projects in Delhi-NCR, UP and Haryana. For more information, feel free to reach us at mail2risefoundation@gmail.com or contact at +91 9717764262

Published by RISE Foundation

NGO Working in Waste Managament, Environmrnt Protection and Women Empowerment

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